Last weekend (28th & 29th September) the Autumn Gala on the Leighton Buzzard Railway was declared a great success.
As well as the usual formula of all serviceable steam locomotives being worked into an intensive timetable, there were several other significant highlights.
Apart from riding behind a varied selection of motive power on passenger trains, enthusiasts and families alike were able to ride a special service: ‘The Leedon Flyer’, featuring the return to passenger service of 1877 De Winton-built vertical boiler locomotive ‘Chaloner’ which hauled special trains to Leedon Loop and back. This was the first time it had hauled scheduled passenger trains on its own for decades.
90hp O&K ‘Pedemoura’ carried a headboard celebrating its 100th anniversary, and various locos hauled the loaded forestry logging set along the full length of the line.
At the Stonehenge Works end of the line, Industrial Train Demonstrations were intensely operated by a selection from the LBNGRS heritage diesel collection, believed to be the second largest collection of two-foot gauge diesels in the UK, plus a special appearance from Kerr Stuart ‘Wren’ class ‘Peter Pan’. The Fordson Go-Go Tractor Locomotive made several trips up the line, but without a doubt the highlight was the appearance of the First World War collection, with Baldwin 2-10-D class locomotive no. 778 of 1917 operating public service trains on the main line whilst two WW1 Simplex locomotives (the armoured and protected bodied locos) ran parallel on the demonstration track, something that can only be seen at Leighton Buzzard.
High resolution images and other photographs together with more details available on request.
Technical details
‘Pedemoura’ 0-6-0WT by Orenstein & Koppel A.G., Drewitz, near Berlin, No. 10808 of 1924. Built for Eduardo Guedes, Lisbon, Portugal. Ex. Minas de Pejão, Douro Valley, Portugal, where it hauled coal to a wharf on the south bank of the river.
‘Chaloner’ 0-4-0VBT by De Winton & Co., Caernarvon, 1877.. Note cylinders attached to vertical boiler and complete lack of springing. Fitted with a new all-welded boiler in 2022. Believed built for Pen-y-Bryn slate quarry, ex Pen-yr-Orsedd slate quarry, both Nantlle Valley, Gwynedd, Wales.
No. 778 4-6-0T by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, USA., No. 44656 of 1917. Fitted with a new boiler during rebuild completed in 2007. The chimney cap, hoods protecting the cab windows and water lifter (for taking water from streams or shell holes) were requirements for use in Northern France. On loan from the Greensand Railway Museum Trust (GRMT).
History: One of 495 built for the British War Dept., based on an earlier design for the Chemin de Fer Militaire du Maroc in French Morocco. From August 1917 it was used by the 14th US Engineers based at their depot at Boisleux-au-Mont, south of Arras.,
2182 No. 461 of 1918 Dorman 4JO 4-cyl. petrol engine, 40HP at 1500 rpm, sliding cone clutch, Last surviving British War Dept. Light Railways ‘fully armoured’ type, designed & built for use in France during the First World War. On loan from the Greensand Railway Museum Trust. History: One of 495 built for the British War Dept., based on an earlier design for the Chemin de Fer Militaire du Maroc in French Morocco. From August 1917 it was used by the 14th US Engineers based at their depot at Boisleux-au-Mont, south of Arras.
3098 LR3098 No. 1377 of 1918. ‘Protected’ design’. Dorman 4JO 4-cyl. petrol engine; 40HP at 1500 rpm. sliding cone clutch, ‘Simplex’ 2-speed gearbox Designed & built for the British Army for use in France during the First World War. On loan from the National Railway Museum, York.